University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Muhammadiyah university unfortunate or commonly called “white college” is a university that has a lot of advantages.
University of Muhammadiyah Malang Muhammadiyah is the largest university in the province of East Java. UMM building currently has three campuses namely: first campus in Bandung Jalan 1, Campus II at 188 A Sutami Dam Road and Highway campus Tlogomas III in 246. Campus which is the forerunner of the UMM, and now it is concentrated to the Graduate program. While the second campus, which was the major activity centers, now concentrating on the campus of the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Health Sciences. While college campuses III as an integrated whole essence serve as the center of activity.

At the start up, open up some new UMM faculty, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Social), Law, Economics and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) and the Department of Religious Studies (Branch of University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta FAI). As time goes by and the demands of the times, the UMM has opened other faculties, namely the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences consists of D3 and S1 Nursing, Pharmacy, and Physiotherapy and Graduate Program in each of which expands some majors. Department or program of study at UMM both level 3 diploma, Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral 40 percent has been accredited A BAN-PT.


As the leading private universities, UMM has gained recognition from external parties, ie the value achieved accreditation from BAN-PT (2013), Two-Star from Star QS, KNAPP Accredited, Accredited from MTD Registered Public Accountants, Accredited from NQA Global Assurance, and others. UMM achievements include: Campus Excellence Award winner (AKU) in East Java since 2008, winners of Anugerah I Kartika VII Kopertis East Java as the World’s campus in East Java, Runner Up Efforts Puritama Adi Class II (for Rusunawa), Runner Up ASEAN Energy Award, Indonesia ranked 18th in Webometrics (even had the 8th ranked Indonesia), the 5th World rating Rich Files webometrics content, 5 stars rating for Repository webometrics Indonesia, Indonesia ranked 19th 4icu,, rating 22 TeSCA-Telkom, and others. UMM also received an award from the U.S. government as a Peace Corps Host USA starting in 2010.


and this is my campus

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